Congressional Workers Union Calls on House Leadership to Bring H.Res. 915 to the Floor for a Vote

Washington, DC (April 13, 2022) – Today, the Congressional Workers Union (CWU) sent a letter urging Speaker Pelosi, Leader Hoyer, Chair McGovern, Chair Lofgren, and Chair Scott to schedule and bring to the floor expeditiously H.Res.915 to grant Congressional workers the legal protections and procedures to  organize and bargain collectively. 

H. Res. 915 approves regulations issued by the Office of Workplace Rights and Responsibilities (OCWR) under the 1995 Congressional Accountability Act to extend  the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute to congressional workers.

More than two months have passed since Congressman Andy Levin introduced the resolution with 136 original cosponsors. On March 3, the House Committee on Administration held a hearing on the matter. . The urgency of the resolution’s passage is underscored by recent reports that staff turnover on Capitol Hill in 2021 was the highest in 20 years. 

Despite public support from House leadership and 165 cosponsors on the resolution, no further action has been taken to move H.Res.915 forward. 26 years after OCWR issued regulations on our right to organize, the House must fulfill the Congressional Accountability Act’s promise and lead by example.

Read the letter here or below:

Speaker Pelosi, Leader Hoyer, Chair McGovern, Chair Lofgren and Chair Scott:

We thank you for your outspoken support of staff unionization. We, as congressional workers, fight every day for a better future for ourselves, our families, this institution, and the American people. However, we currently lack the basic protections and legal processes to organize enjoyed by other federal workers and workers across this country. As such, the Congressional Workers Union urges H.Res.915 to be scheduled and brought to the floor for a vote expeditiously.  

We are honored to serve the American people in the halls of Congress. We believe in the missions of our offices and take pride in advancing legislation that we believe will better the country for generations to come. Many of us write and work tirelessly to advance the very laws that protect and promote every worker's right to organize. We deserve those same rights–Congress should not be above the laws it creates. 

When Congress passed the Congressional Accountability Act in 1995, it did so on the premise that Congress would be subject to the same workplace laws it advances. Under the CAA, Congress extended 12 workplace laws to its own employees, but failed to approve the regulations that would grant us the legal protections and procedures to organize and bargain collectively for a better workplace. For 26 years, Congress has failed to act, and workers have suffered for it. As the leaders of this institution responsible for protecting American democracy, you now have an opportunity to fulfill the promises of the CAA by extending congressional workers these basic rights–protecting the freedom of association and fostering democracy in your own workplaces.  

As congressional workers, we know intimately the process for bringing legislation to the floor for a vote, and we know Congress can do so rapidly, even under immense constraints. In fact, many of us have worked overtime, nights, and weekends to make it possible for Congress to pass major legislation on a fast track. 

It has now been over two months since H.Res.915 was introduced in the House on February 9, 2022 by Congressman Andy Levin. While we appreciate the Committee on House Administration's quick action to hold a hearing on this matter over a month ago on March 3, no reasons for further delay remain. 

We urge House Leadership to bring H.Res.915, which is now cosponsored by 165 members of Congress, to the floor for a vote when the House returns for session the Week of April 26, 2022. 

Again, we appreciate your outspoken support on staff unionization and look forward to Congress fulfilling its promise. We urgently need the legal protections and procedures to organize and bargain collectively.  If Congressional Democrats are For the People, we are people too.


Congressional Workers Union



Congressional Workers Union Victorious in Securing Right to Form a Union and Bargain Collectively for House Staff with Passage of Resolution
