Congressional Workers Union Victorious in Securing Right to Form a Union and Bargain Collectively for House Staff with Passage of Resolution

Washington, D.C. (May 10, 2022) – Today, the  Congressional Workers Union released the following statement after the House voted to pass the resolution granting congressional staff the protections to organize without threat of retaliation and to form a union and bargain collectively. The resolution, introduced by Congressman Andy Levin and cosponsored by over 160 members, passed the House of Representatives in a 217-202 vote. 

The House resolution does not require passage by the Senate to go into effect.

“Tonight’s vote is a historic moment for thousands of congressional workers who have won basic labor protections to organize and bargain collectively without fear of retaliation,” said the Congressional Workers Union. “For 26 years, Congress has had the opportunity to pass this resolution but has failed to act, until our collective demands were too loud for them to ignore. Tonight is a reminder of the power of collective action and what the freedom to form a union truly means — democracy not just in our elections, but in our workplaces too. To our fellow congressional workers: today belongs to us. Tomorrow, we continue the fight — solidarity forever and onwards!”

The House resolution approves regulations issued by the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights (OCWR) under the 1995 Congressional Accountability Act to extend the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute to congressional workers, granting them federally protected rights to organize their workplace without fear of retaliation. 

If you are interested in learning more about Congressional staff organizing efforts or filling out our interest form, visit To inquire for more information, email



Congressional Workers Union Celebrates Historic Victory After Resolution Passage Grants House Staff Right to Form a Union


Congressional Workers Union Calls on House Leadership to Bring H.Res. 915 to the Floor for a Vote